Each year we continue to advance our mission of sharing the word of God through Television. Your donation will help us send the Gospel around the world, fulfilling Jesus’ last command to us to go into the world and preach the good news to everyone. We have seen many lives change for the better. With the help of donations from supporters like you, we will continue to see improvements in our mission.
Partner with us by sending your donations to TBN ASIA.
Banco De Oro Acct No. 438013255
Metropolitan Avenue Branch.
and email us at For your gift of P1,000 you will get 2 of these gifts, For your gift of P2,000 or more, You will receive all of these gifts. Thank you for supporting our ministry. Thank you & God Bless.
Healing the Soul of a Woman: How to Overcome Your Emotional Wounds
Can a woman who has been deeply hurt by life’s circumstances be healed, heart and soul? If she has been wounded by a man she loved and trusted, can she love and trust again? As a woman who endured years of abuse, abandonment, and betrayal by those closest to her, Joyce Meyer can answer with a resounding “yes!”
Meyer’s positivity comes from living her own journey, and from seeing so many women who don’t believe they can fully overcome their pain—or even know where to begin—find the guidance they need in the life-changing wisdom of the Bible.
Right People, Right Place, Right Plan: Discerning the Voice of God
Whom should I marry? What will I do with my life? Do I take this job? Should I invest money in this opportunity? God has bestowed an incredible gift in the heart of every believer. He has given you an internal compass to help guide your life, your family, your children, your finances, and much more. Jentezen Franklin reveals how, through the Holy Spirit, you can tap into the heart and mind of the Almighty. Learn to trust those divine “nudges” and separate God’s voice from all other voices in your life. Tap into your supernatural gift of spiritual discernment and you will better be able to fulfill your purpose as a child of God.
Eating Your Way to Wholeness – A Practical Guide to the Holy Communion with the blessings of the communion DVD By Joseph Prince
In this practical and insightful book, you’ll find answers to some of the most basic questions about partaking of the Holy Communion, such as, “What is Holy Communion?” and, “How do I partake of the Holy Communion?” This encouraging book also includes testimonies of people who have experienced first-hand how taking the Holy Communion has impacted their lives. Be inspired to partake your way to God’s divine health and wholeness today!
It’s costly to keep the channel running, With 43,800 minutes in a month, that’s a lot of people, having access to the word of God every single minute of every single day.
Please stand with us and support TBN ASIA with any amount that you feel led to give so that we can continue to share the life-changing message of Jesus.
THANK YOU for standing with TBN as together we take the good news of Jesus to the nations. God Bless.